Pgx Scan
- Type:library
- Technologies:
A small scanning library for the PGX database library.
Pgx scan is simple scanning library to extend PGX's awesome capabilities.
pgxscan supports scanning to structs (including things like join tables and JSON columns), slices of structs, scanning from interface slices and variadic arguments. How to use For the Row interface
Scanning to a row (ie. by calling QueryRow()) which returns the row interface only exposes the scan method. Currently pgxscan or for that matter, pgx, doesnt have a way to expose the columns returned from the row query. Because of this pgxscan can only scan to pre defined types. To scan to a struct by passing in a struct, use the rows interface (ie. Query()).
Scan to standard types
var (
ID uint32
Int int
Float float32
String string
Time time.Time
Bool bool
Bytes []byte
Slice []string
conn, _ := pgx.ConnectConfig(ctxb, "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/pgxscan?sslmode=disable")
stmt := `SELECT "id", "int", "float_32", "string", "time", "bool", "bytes", "string_slice" FROM "test" WHERE id = $1`
row := conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), stmt, 1)
_ := pgxscan.NewScanner(row).Scan(
Scan to standard types from []interface{}
var (
ID uint32
Int int
Float float32
String string
Time time.Time
Bool bool
Bytes []byte
Slice []string
dst := []interface{}{
conn, _ := pgx.ConnectConfig(ctxb, "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/pgxscan?sslmode=disable")
stmt := `SELECT "id", "int", "float_32", "string", "time", "bool", "bytes", "string_slice" FROM "test" WHERE id = $1`
row := conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), stmt, 1)
_ := pgxscan.NewScanner(row).Scan(dst)
Scan to struct fields
type TestStruct struct {
ID uint32 `db:"id"`
// builtin types
Int int `db:"int"`
Float32 float32 `db:"float_32"`
String string `db:"string"`
Bool bool `db:"bool"`
Time time.Time `db:"time"`
Bytes []byte `db:"bytes"`
StringSlice []string `db:"string_slice"`
JSONB JSON `json:"json_b" db:"json_b"`
type JSON struct {
Str string `json:"str"`
Int int `json:"int"`
Embedded EmbeddedStruct `json:"embedded"`
Ignore string `json:"-"`
type EmbeddedStruct struct {
Bool bool `json:"data"`
// scanning to pre defined struct fields
stmt := `SELECT "id", "int", "float_32", "string", "time", "bool", "bytes", "string_slice", "json_b" FROM "test" WHERE id = $1`
var dst TestStruct
row := conn.QueryRow(context.Background(), stmt, 1)
_ := pgxscan.NewScanner(row).Scan(
For the Rows interface
The Rows interface exposes more data like, returned column names, which allows us to scan into a without pre defining the values first. But all the previous examples will also work for rows too. Scan to a struct
stmt := `SELECT "id", "int", "float_32", "string", "time", "bool", "bytes", "string_slice", "json_b" FROM "test" WHERE id = $1`
rows, _ := conn.Query(context.Background(), stmt, 1)
var dst TestStruct
// pgxscan will take care of closing the rows and calling next()
if err := pgxscan.NewScanner(rows).Scan(&dst); err != nil {
return err
Scan to slice of structs
stmt := `SELECT "id", "int", "float_32", "string", "time", "bool", "bytes", "string_slice", "json_b" FROM "test" ORDER BY "id" ASC LIMIT 2`
rows, _ := conn.Query(context.Background(), stmt)
var dst []TestStruct
if err := pgxscan.NewScanner(rows).Scan(&dst); err != nil {
return err
Scan to struct with join table
There's two ways to handle join tables. Either use the struct tag scan:"notate" or scan:"follow". scan notate will dot notate the struct to something like "table_one.column" this is particularly useful if joining tables that have column name conflicts. However, you will have to alias the sql column to match. scan follow wont dot notate and instead go into the struct and add the field names to the map. If you know you won't have column name conflicts this will work fine and no aliasing is required.
Example with aliasing
stmt := `
WITH usr AS (
"id", "name", "email"
"id" = $1
addresses AS (
"address"."id" AS "",
"line_1" AS "address.line_1",
"city" AS ""
"address", usr
"user_id" = usr."id"
usr.*, addresses.*
// Note the aliased dot notated SELECT's for address, line_1, and city.
rows, _ := conn.Query(context.Background(), stmt, 1)
type (
Address struct {
ID uint32
Line1 string `db:"line_1"`
City string
User struct {
ID uint32
Name string
Email string
Address Address `scan:"notate"` // table dot notates the struct
var user User
if err := NewScanner(rows).Scan(&user); err != nil {
return err
Example without aliasing
stmt := `
WITH usr AS (
"id", "name", "email"
"id" = $1
addresses AS (
"address", usr
"user_id" = usr."id"
usr.*, addresses.*
// note that the "id" column for address is not being selected, which removes the naming conflict therefore no aliasing is necessary
rows, _ := conn.Query(context.Background(), stmt, 1)
type (
Address struct {
Line1 string `db:"line_1"`
City string
User struct {
ID uint32
Name string
Email string
Address Address `scan:"follow"` // follow inspects the struct and adds the fields without being dot notated.
var user User
if err := NewScanner(rows).Scan(&user); err != nil {
return err
If you want to know more or checkout the many other tests and examples, head over to pgxscan's repo